Autre Magazine

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Kawa = Flow: The Images of YAMAMOTO MASAO

#1591 160x243m/m

#1554 143x218m/m

Artist Yamamoto Masao describes is work, albeit obscurely and poeticly, with these words: "Kawa = Flow is about the world where we are and the world where we go in the future. Although we seem to be connected continually there is a rupture between us in the present and those that went before us or that come next." "Kawa" means river or more precisely flow.  Masao's photographs are like microscopic imagery of the cellular structure of enlightenment; tiny snapshots of those beautiful moments where everything rushes too close and spills over the edge of the mind into pure ecstasy - and everything is crystal clear, if only for a tenth of a millisecond. Oblivion = Eternity. You can see some of Masao's work at the Maerz Gallery in Leipzig February 26th. +