Inevitable Figuration at the PECCI Center
A selection of painters from 1960s to the present. Painters draw upon the past while experimenting with present challenges to image-making. Curated by Marco Bazzini and David Ferri. Works by Richard Aldrich, Mamma Andersson, Helene Appel, Michael Bauer, Luca Bertolo, Joe Bradley, Peter Linde Busk, Pierpaolo Campanini, William Daniels, Avner Ben-Gal, Thomas Helbig, Merlin James, Rezi van Lankveld, Katy Moran, Marco Neri, Alessandro Pessoli, Tal R, and Matthias Weischer. On view from March 24 to July 8, 2013 at Pecci Center for Contemporary Art, Prato. Viale della Repubblica, 277. Text by Yanyan Huang and photograph by Marco Annunziata