Sharon Stone Hosts The Photo15 AIDS Monument Benefit and Photography Auction at Milk Studios In Hollywood

Last night at Milk Studios, Photo15 a live auction benefit, was held for the creation of the West Hollywood AIDS Memorial. For the benefit, dozens of the most iconic photographs from the past 50 years were donated by some of the art world’s greatest juggernaut photographers. Works by Jack Pierson, Herb Ritts, Olivier Zahm, Ellen von Unwerth, Katherine Opie, and many more were represented, and some of the most philanthropic buyers were there hoping to take home a piece of the action. Preceding the live auction, Sharon Stone gave an emotional and sobering speech about the AIDS epidemic and what it has taught us about humanity. In it she says, β€œThis is not a lesson we’re just learning in the AIDS community – it’s a lesson we are learning about humanity. When we judge, when we turn our backs on each other, when we turn away from anyone in need, we have a global crisis.” Indeed, for this event to happen on the same day as a mass shooting in Oregan, we are once again reminded of the obligation we have to band together and put an end to our most deadly manifestations. Last night, hundreds of Angelenos came together to build awareness and honor those who have suffered from the tragedies of the AIDS epidemic. photographs by Oliver Maxwell Kupper