Ranch Of The Rising Sun Presents Sensual Assault In Pioneer Town, California

Curated by Leyden Pavlova, Sensual Assault is a special group exhibition highlighting the physical sensations that dominate in this wild desert space. One feels the wind, the heat, the sun, and an overwhelming visceral sensation of the vastness of geological time. Visually, these forces can be seen in the earth, dry and sharp, worn smooth in places, and the plants that grow imperceptibly only to explode with flowers in the spring. The overwhelming sensations from this landscape provide a context to explore the human body’s violence and vulnerability. Through texture and movement, sensuality and savagery, the human experience is shown through the traces and imprints that people and places leave on each other. Featuring artists Theodore Boyer, Pola Esther, Marie Tomanova, William Kaner, Shig and Ethan Rider. photographs by Marielle Stobie