Ariel Pinks Loses Mind and Exclusive Photos of the Second and Final Night of the Rock n’ Roll Circus at Lincoln Center

Ariel Pink plays an incredible set as the headliner act of the second night of the Rock n' Roll Circus at Lincoln Center.  Despite seeming aloof and on the very brink of a complete emotional collapse, Ariel Pink keeps it all together with the hybrid patina of a late life French crooner and a divorced Japanese master of ceremonies at a turtle racing bar in some one horse town in middle America.  Wearing a sequined sweater that twinkled in the spotlights, Ariel Pink played only a few songs when someone made the poor decision to rush the stage to tell him the police were outside to shut down the show. Ariel Pink proceeded to nonchalantly walk off stage and out of the building; leaving the music of one his tracks still playing, while the confusion of the audience was suffocating. Albeit, the night was one to remember, we can hope that a cultural establishment such as Lincoln Center will have more events like this one. Click to see more photos after the jump...


Photos and Text by Oliver Maxwell Kupper for Pas Un Autre