HODAKOVA Spring Summer 24


Ellen Hodakova Larsson presented her highly anticipated SS24 collection at the Théâtre of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The show opened with a dance performance that explored desire, disgust, and the search for authenticity.

 The collection was an exploration of self-expression in an ever-changing world. It featured garments made from unconventional materials like belts, dried flowers from the Swedish countryside, and over 2000 pens. These creations bridged the gap between the permanent and the ephemeral, the eternal and the transient.

 Hodakova reimagined everyday objects, focusing on the question of finding one's unique identity in a digitally obsessed society. The pen symbolized the transition between the suspended and the defined, with models sporting handwritten notes, pens in their hair, and even garments made entirely from pens.

 Ellen Hadakova’s focus was to challenge societal norms, especially in office attire, aiming to stand out in a world of conformity. Hodakova's designs transformed office wear into extraordinary pieces, like using jacket linings as dresses and merging multiple pairs of pants to create intricate skirts. This collection also played with the concept of time and transformation, using materials like deadstock bras turned into dresses and vintage watch wristbands for shoes. It conveyed a narrative of searching for purpose and perfection, with each piece repurposed from previous garments, questioning the idea of an object achieving its ultimate form.