Teen unveil the their new video for Electric from the forthcoming debut full-length, In Limbo – due out on Carpark Records on August 28. Sam Fleischner and Megha Barnabas directed the video. Fleischner said that "some ideas that nurtured this video were sisterhood, modern-day ritual, and stage magic. We were interested in the idea of forced initiation - something that would allow for entrance into another "Electric" realm. We were also seeing movement as a process or a form of communication rather than something celebratory. As Teeny, the lead singer, put it when we were first hashing out concepts, 'this is not a happy song - it is about death and people kicking you when you are down.' The video is about strength in the face of that - a combination of fuck off and flower power - having a sense of humor and playfulness when things get ugly.