Njideka Akunyili Crosby's "Coming Back to See Through, Again" @ David Zwirner Los Angeles

Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Still You Bloom in This Land of No Gardens, 2021. Photo: Fredrik Nilsen. © Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, and David Zwirner.

Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Still You Bloom in This Land of No Gardens, 2021. Photo: Fredrik Nilsen. © Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, and David Zwirner.


David Zwirner presents Coming Back to See Through, Again, an exhibition of new and recent work by Njideka Akunyili Crosby, at the gallery’s Los Angeles location. This will be Akunyili Crosby’s first solo exhibition with David Zwirner. The exhibition will travel to David Zwirner’s New York gallery, opening in September 2023.

Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Potential, Displaced, 2021. Photo: Fredrik Nilsen. © Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, and David Zwirner.

Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Potential, Displaced, 2021. Photo: Fredrik Nilsen. © Njideka Akunyili Crosby. Courtesy of the artist, Victoria Miro, and David Zwirner.


Born in Nigeria, Akunyili Crosby moved to the United States as a teenager in 1999, and her work reflects her hybrid cultural background and experiences. In her methodically layered compositions, Akunyili Crosby combines painted depictions of people, places, and subjects from her life with photographic transfers derived from her personal image archive as well as Nigerian magazines and other mass media sources.

The works that will be on view in Los Angeles, where the artist works and lives, bring multiple places and temporalities together within single compositions. In these works, Akunyili Crosby uses doorways, screens, posters, and windows as devices that open to other worlds, such as private interior spaces, lush external gardens, and bustling Nigerian markets.

Coming Back to See Through, Again is on view through July 29 at David Zwirner LA, 616 North Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90004

Stan Douglas @ David Zwirner Los Angeles

Installation view, Stan Douglas, David Zwirner, Los Angeles, May 23—July 29, 2023. Photo by Elon Schoenholz. Courtesy of David Zwirner.

Installation view, Stan Douglas, David Zwirner, Los Angeles, May 23—July 29, 2023. Photo by Elon Schoenholz. Courtesy of David Zwirner.

David Zwirner is exhibiting Stan Douglas’s major two-channel video installation ISDN (2022), along with a group of related photographs, which will be his first solo presentation in more than twenty years in Los Angeles.

In the two-channel video installation ISDN, the viewer finds themselves in the middle of a call-and-response jam session that unfolds across continents, literally positioned between the two screens. Set in 2011, the work pairs MCs in improvised studios, one in London and the other in Cairo, who trade free-styled verses, transmitted between them on ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network) lines, a technology that has become largely disused as it has been replaced by faster broadband and fiber optic connections.

The video presentation is complemented by five photographs that recreate specific moments from 2011 in four global cities: London, New York, Tunis, and Vancouver. To create these panoramic mises-en-scènes, Douglas digitally stitched together imagery, utilizing a variety of sources to reconstruct the events as accurately as possible.

Stan Douglas’s work is on view through July 29 at David Zwirner LA, 612 North Western Avenue, Los Angeles, CA, 90004