Poetry by Pierre Louÿs and Illustrations by Toyen

Pornographic Poetry by Pierre Louÿs and Illustrations by Toyen

Great collection of pornographic poetry by Pierre Louÿs and illustrations by Toyen. "Possibly the filthiest collection of poetry ever published." First published in 1927, Wakefield Press releases the first English translation of the work. Pybrac is out now on Wakefield Press. 

The High Life

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Wakefield Press just sent over their newest publication, entitled The High Life, by cult author Jean-Pierre Martinet (1944–1993) who was virtually unknown during his own lifetime, but is now considered "an overlooked French successor to Dostoyevsky." The book tells the tale of the ultimate and bizarre consequences of a man's unbelievable avoidance issues. Originally published in 1979, The High Life, translated with an introduction by Henry Vale, is an introduction of Martinet's work into English and deals with the regular themes for which Martinet is known – "the terrors of loneliness, the grotesque buffoonery of sexual relations, the essential humiliation of the human condition, and the ongoing traumas of twentieth-century history." The book is due out this May by Wakefield Press.