For Los Angeles...

Hollywood, 1946

Scent of cedar on this Los Angeles evening scent of the new born day arrives at half past magic the glory of the morning sun rising on our broken hearts as they beat three beats in unison The sounds of waves with a triple z cascade below the mountain top down the coast we descend The toke of two pipes made of apples Cherry pies in between virgin thighs with a glance of nostalgia the memory of Remains.... (excerpt of an Untitled Poem by Adarsha Benjamin)

Discovered: 'Black Mirror' Roger Gilbert-Lecomte

"Dark: two perfectly identical human mouths kiss each other to death." R.G-L

"[He] is one of the rare poets of this century to cultivate such a form of violent, tortuous, oppressive lyricism, a lyricism made up pf the screams of a man being flayed alive...," writes Antonin Artaud in a review, and reprinted as an introduction to Black Mirror, a selection of discovered writings by little known, anti-surrealist poet Roger Gilbert-Lecomte.  With a life mired by tragedy and drug addiction (he died from tetanus as he was prone to shooting up morphine through a pair of dirty trousers), Lecompte managed to leave behind a dark and incendiary selection of writings, collected in the book Black Mirror: The Selected Poems of Roger Gilbet-Lecomte.