Watch The Music Video For "Don't Look" By Benny Sings Out Now Via Stonesthrow

“Don’t Look” is produced by Kenny Beats and Cory Henry, from Benny Sings’ latest album, Beat Tape II. Made in collaboration with the historic Bob Baker Marionette Theater, the puppets and props were made entirely from scratch to bring Ryu Okubo's cover art illustration to life. You can find Beat Tape II on vinyl, Apple music, Spotify, and Bandcamp.

Alex Evans - Director and Editor
Kevin Beltz - Lead Puppet Builder, Puppeteer
Thom Fountain - Puppeteer Consultant
Ilana Marks - Puppeteer, Puppet Fabrication
Jamin Orrall - Puppeteer, Puppet Fabrication
Karina De La Cruz - Puppeteer
Julian Small Calvillo - Puppet Fabrication
Paula Higgins - Puppet Fabrication
Caden Healander - Best Run Boy