Catalina Ouyang: Marrow @ Make Room In Los Angeles

Ouyang’s oeuvre is situated in a framework of revisionist storytelling that resists essentialist metrics for navigating social space. In marrow, Ouyang builds on previous works to elaborate themes that confront language, space, and the power relations embedded within them.

Leaning on cross-cultural myths about stone and stoning—including the Gorgons, Biblical punishment, the Waiting Stone, and Ahalya—Ouyang develops a visual landscape of characters that instigate unfamiliarity and uncertainty. Ouyang carves stone as a way to feel into mythologies in which bodies are cursed or frightened into petrification, calling up questions of agency, resistance, and loss. Ouyang repeatedly returns her inquiry to the question of language and its departure from a body transformed. marrow is on view through November 30 at Make Room 1035 N Broadway, Los Angeles. photographs courtesy of the gallery