Spain & 42 St @ Foxy Production

SPAIN & 42 ST. is the title of a William S. Burroughs cut-up poem that transforms found fragments of text into a new whole. The works in the exhibition challenge the narratives of photography and fashion and parallels between them, just as Burroughs constantly challenged the structure of prose. They move beyond expectations of fashion or fine art: they are neither exclusively one nor the other. Each is a cut-up in itself and within the context of the exhibition, which features artists Darja BajagiΔ‡, Jimmy DeSana, Peter Hujar, Robert Mapplethorpe, Paul Mpagi, Sepuya Heji Shin, Laurie Simmons, and Deborah Turbeville. SPAIN & 42 ST. will be on view until January 31, 2015 @ Foxy Productions, 623 W. 23rd St. New York.