The Lehmann Maupin Gallery presents THE BEARD PICTURES, a collection of pictures commemorating the 50th anniversary of Gilbert & George. The artists present themselves as two haunting figures, using their amorphous beards as a site for political and cultural critique. Scattered with fences and flowers, this series of self-portraits pieces together a narrative about an ever-changing urban landscape its constant turmoil. The 35 images that make up THE BEARD PICTURES will be on view at Lehmann Maupinβs Chelsea and downtown Manhattan locations until December 22nd. photographs by Adam Lehrer
Gilbert & George New Dark Show in Hong Kong
White Cube Gallery Hong Kong's inaugural exhibition London Pictures is a disturbing examination of sex, violence, power and death through the medium of Britain's tabloid billboards, collected over six years from newsstands near the artists' home in East London. For five decades, to international acclaim, Gilbert & George have been making art that is visionary, shocking, relentless, moral and richly atmospheric. London Pictures is on view March 2 to March 5, 2012.