Geoffrey Chadsey, Fibro Flay, 2023. All images courtesy of Michael Benevento.
Opening June 10, Michael Benevento will present New York-based artist Geoffrey Chadsey’s first solo exhibition in Los Angeles, Sly glancer, Angry dancer.
In striking psychological and virtuosic renderings, Chadsey deepens his longstanding interest in fraught masculinity and queer subject-hood. Chadsey’s approach to composition is distinct—reminiscent of the Surrealists’ exquisite corpse based surprising juxtapositions, Chadsey’s figures stand before you in all their complexity—ostentatious, anxious, eager, abject or aloof. These figures present themselves in various states of peacockery, wanting to be marveled at, or regarded with admiring disgust.
Sly glancer, Angry dancer is on view through July 29 @ Michael Benevento, 3712 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles