1. Dan Flavin's early work - a series called Icons - is on view at Dia's Dan Flavin Art Institute 2. Matthew King: This Side Down is on view at the rare art book shop Harper's Books 3. Cole Sternberg's ARTed House is a site to see on David's Lane in East Hampton 4. Womanhouse is a powerhouse group exhibition featuring twenty-one female artists - from Orly Genger to Agathe Snow on view at Eric Firestone Gallery 5. Artist Jen Stark paints the Surf Lodge with dripping psychedelic colors.
Cole Sternberg's ARTed House Is On View Now in the Hamptons
Memorial weekend is always a memorable experience in the Hamptons. A must see this weekend, in this rarefied atmosphere, is artist Cole's Sternberg's ARTed House, which is presented by Los Angeles based MAMA gallery. Entitled "A Moment Near the Sea," Cole Sternberg has transformed a classic property into a giant canvas with installation based works, collages on wood, sculpture and more that spill out from the house and into the backyard. Cole Sternberg's ARTed House opens today and runs until June 7th, Davids Lane East Hampton, NY
Richard Phillips: Point of Purchase