Borderlands: Read an Interview of Artist Hugo Crosthwaite on the Occasion of His Solo Presentation @ Luis De Jesus Los Angeles

Hugo Crosthwaite, La Linea (The Line), 2024, Acrylic and color pencil on canvas
Courtesy of the artist and Luis de Jesus Los Angeles

Ex-votos are a form of Mexican folk painting, part prayer, part diary, they are a dedication to the saints and a plea for guidance during difficult times. They’re sometimes crude, sometimes polished, sometimes funny, sometimes heartwrenching. Te pido perdon virgencita pues jugue con fuego (I ask you to forgive me, Virgin, because I played with fire) reads one on a painting of a woman with red skin and devil horns beckoning a man in bed while the Virgen de Guadalupe looks on. Another celebrates two luchadors who met in the ring and found love. Another thanks the Santo Niño de Atocha for surviving a late night encounter with two extraterrestrials.

Inspired by his own close encounter with death, Tijuana and San Diego-based artist Hugo Crosthwaite decided to take on the tradition of ex-votos with a new series of large-scale paintings. The show, Ex-voto, is a series of overlapping snapshots of the city of Tijuana, dense narratives of daily life at the border. Just as in the ex-votos, the physical and spiritual world mingle in scenes of border crossings, street vendors, and women at rest. The Tijuana of Crosthwaite’s paintings is not quite the real one and not quite the sin city of the American imagination. Instead, it is multilayered, a place that we tell stories about and are always returning to across the border fence. Read more.

Prada Group and UNFPA Celebrated the Completion of Their Fashion Training Program in Mexico


Prada Group and UNFPA celebrated the completion of their first-of-its-kind fashion training program "Fashion Expressions: The Stories She Wears" in Mexico with an intimate event to highlight the milestones that the artisans achieved during the six-month period.  

The training program implemented by UNFPA Mexico provides women with valuable knowledge and practical skills in the fashion industry while promoting women’s empowerment and sexual reproductive health. The expansion of the program to Querétaro state (Mexico) was initiated in September 2023. 

The project involved thirty women artisans in Querétaro state, from Indigenous and surrounding communities with experience in weaving and embroidery, to strengthen their technical, artistic, and financial skills. 

The participants – embroiderers and weavers between 18 and 50 years old – were mothers who work as artisans in small family-run home workshops, usually with the help of their children, supporting their families through the sale of artisanal items at Querétaro’s local markets.

The evening included a panel discussion, titled Doing great things together!, on the experiences and learnings from the program as well as its impact in the context of the wider fashion industry. Moderated by Farah Slim, Head of Editorial Content of Glamour México y Latinoamérica, the panel included Mariarosa Cutillo, Chief of Strategic Partnerships of UNFPA, Galo Bertin, fashion designer and Program Advisor, Adriana Barrón, artisan (San Juan del Río, Querétaro), Estela Porfirio, artisan (Amealco, Querétaro), Emilienne Limón, Mexico Artisan Program Advisor of Nest. 

After the initial opening remarks and the panel discussion, guests explored an exhibition that showcased twenty designs from the artisans, which they created during the program.

Read Our Interview Of Chris Gentile Director Of Self Discovery For Social Survival On The Occasion Of The LA Premiere

Surf Discovery for Social Survival is the surf/music feature film born from the collaboration of Chris Gentile from New York-based surf brand Pilgrim Surf + Supply and Keith Abrahmsson from the record label Mexican Summer. Together they started this ambitious project to connect surf, sound and sight and make a film that would satisfy most senses. World-renowned surfers including Stephanie Gilmore, Ryan Burch, Creed McTaggart and Ellis Ericson joined musicians Allah-Las, Peaking Lights, Connan Mockasin and MGMT ’s Andrew VanWyngarden on this surf journey starting from a secret spot in Mexico, to the southern atolls of the Maldive Islands, and ending in the cold waters of Iceland. Click here to read more.

[BOOKS] Mujercitos Compiles Tears Sheets From a Notorious Mexican Tabloid Featuring Transvestites

The results of detailed research from Susana Vargas and art critic Cuauhtémoc Medina, Mujercitos gathers photographs of men dressed as women featured in the periodical Alarma!, known as a nota roja or "red page" newspaper for its bloody content, from the 1960s to the 1980s. This volume collects a selection of key Mexican newsprint tearsheets, with the original layout and typography, each of which represents a mujercito, or "effeminate man," in a highly sexualized, objectified way. Vargas' contextualizing research explores the ways in which these photographs, printed in sensationalistic "true-crime" newspapers, participate in the larger national imaginary of non-normative sexualities in Mexico. In studying these representations of mujercitos, Vargas further traces Anglo-North American theories of gender/sex performativity onto Mexican society, only to discover the multitude of ways in which the relation between gender, sex, sexual orientation and desire is permeated with concerns of race and class in Mexican culture. Click here to buy. 

Read Bruce Licher's Remembrance of An Amazing Adventure In Calexico with the Late Chris Burden

photograph by Bruce Licher

Chris Burden, who passed away a few days ago at his home in Topanga Canyon, California at the age of 69, was known for his performance art pieces that bordered on terrorism, like the time he took a pistol and fired several shots at a passenger airline taking off from LAX. In another piece, entitled Coals to Newcastle, which is a British idiom for doing something stupid or pointless, Burden sent a toy rubber-band model airplane with marijuana strapped to it over the border into Mexico. In the following eulogy of the late groundbreaking artist, Bruce Licher - a former student and founder of the LA post-punk band Savage Republic - describes his adventure in Calexico with Burden during the preparation and making of Coals to Newcastle. Read the whole story here.