"Where the Sidewalk Ends" Group Show @ Moran Bondaroff Gallery In Los Angeles

Moran Bondaroff presents Where the Sidewalk Ends, a four-person exhibition associating artworks that are evocative of a desire to create parity and connectedness with the natural world or to locate an intersection therein. Through varied mediums and methods, these four artists – Terence Koh, Dennis Oppenheim, Virginia Overton, and Nick van Woert – approach the tension between ecological connectedness and the progress of civilization. Subsequently, the works included in this exhibition present a range of conditional responses that span from exploration and interaction, to repercussions and impermanence. However, these artists do not endeavor to generate homages to ecology or directly reference an environmentalist agenda, rather, the works visually contend with our origins – a human’s nature. Where the Sidewalk Ends will be on view until May 20, 2017 at Moran Bondaroff in Los Angeles.