Art of Elysium/Sotheby's "Pieces of Heaven" @ MAMA Gallery

The Art of Elysium and Samsung Galaxy along with Sothebyโ€™s presented the 8th Annual Charitable Art Auction โ€ Pieces of Heavenโ€ at MAMA Gallery in Los Angeles.

[NEXT] Harriet "I Slept With All Your Mothers"

I'll credit my friend Perry for turning me on to Harrietโ€“who I see becoming a bit of a sensation over the next few months.  Their single, entitled I Slept With All Your Mothers, off their current album  is simply an incredible song and lead singer Alex Casnoff's vocals hit all the right notes. Harriet, based in Los Angeles, has recently released their album Tell The Right Story for free on the band's website. Pick up the album here.