"To Hide To Show" Group Exhibition Opening At MAMA Gallery in Downtown Los Angeles
photographs by Oliver Maxwell Kupper. Follow Autre on Instagram to stay up to date: @autremagazine
Opening tomorrow night in Los Angeles, MAMA gallery will present To Hide To Show, a group exhibition derived from a contemporary French social anthropological study entitled Montrer / Occulter, which loosely translates to the exhibition’s title. The artists chosen to represent the ideas and concepts behind this study, and its conclusions, experiment with the notion of concealing and revealing on a societal, intellectual and creative basis. These artists include Clara Balzary, Zoe Crosher, Nana Ghana, Ariana Papademetropolous, Mattea Perrotta, Fay Ray, Lisa Solberg, and Johanna Tagada. Click here to read our interviews with all the artists.
A peak at Lisa Solberg's studio – she will be a part of a group exhibition, entitled To Hide To Show opening next week at MAMA Gallery in Los Angeles. photograph by Adarsha Benjamin