Both born in 1989, Mattea Perrotta and Jonathan Ryan. each started out as observational painters and are now working in abstraction. Mattea Perrotta began painting portraits, then pivoted to a simplified, abstract series of shapes that capture and distill the essence of her female subjects into flattened, geometric forms. Jonathan Ryan’s abstractions reference architecture and universal form, he uses repetition and drop shadows to depict impossible structures. The exhibition is on view through June 30 at the Landing 5118 w Jefferson Boulevard Los Angeles. photographs by Lani Trock
Mattea Perrotta Recreates Syd Barrett's Madcap Laughs Photo Session In Her Studio In Los Angeles
Mattea Perrotta's exhibition Portrait of A Nude Woman is on view now at MAMA Gallery until December 12, 2015. photograph by Sara Clarken
Mattea Perrotta 'Portrait of a Nude Woman' @ MAMA Gallery in Los Angeles
New works from minimalist painter Mattea Perrotta, inspired by her recent residency in Morocco. Portrait of a Nude Woman will be on view until December 12, 2015 at MAMA Gallery in Los Angeles. photographs by Sara Clarken